CLIENT LIST (partial)
SETI Institute (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), Mountain View, CA
Partners and Associates:
The Wildlife Project has worked on many different projects with the following firms and individuals, and and maintains good working relationships with many principals at these organizations.
Biological Field Services, Alameda, CA BioSearch Wildlife Surveys, Santa Cruz, CACH2M HILL®, Sacramento, CA Coast Ridge Ecology, San Francisco, CA Condor Earth Technologies, Inc., Sonora, CA Dittes and Guardino Consulting, Los Molinos, CA Ecology & Environment, Inc. (E & E), San Francisco, CA EcoBridges, Grass Valley/Nevada City, CA EcoSystems West Consulting Group, Santa Cruz, CA IBIS Environmental Inc., Santa Rosa, CA ICF International, Inc., Sacramento, CA May and Associates Inc., San Francisco, CA McGinnis Consulting, Ripon, CA Nicole Parizeau, Vallejo, CA
Terry Hunt, McAurthor, CA Tierra Resource Management, Castro Valley, CA The Biophilia Group, Sacramento, CA Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting, Richmond, CA Westervelt Ecological Services, Tuscaloosa, AL Wildlife Science Consulting, Livermore, CA
The Wildlife Project is always looking to collaborate and/or team on research projects and consulting ventures. Please feel free to contact us to discuss building a relationship.